Saturday, May 11, 2013

Legalizing Christianity

                   During yesterday's class, Mr. Schick let some of us go up and teach the class about Diocletian and Constantine. First Parker went up and talked a little bit about Diocletian, then I went up and read my notes. I talked about the four edicts and what they entailed. Also, Mr. Schick gave us an example of Diocletian's cruelty. A fire happened in the palace, and the were convinced it was the Christians. One christian was accused w/o a trial was found guilty. He was stripped, raised high, and scourged. Basically skinning him, the salt and vinegar were poured in his wounds and he was slowly boiled over an open flame. We went on to talk about Constantine. Constantine signed an edict allowing his people to practice whatever religion they like. During battle of Milvian Bridge, he saw cross in the sky and the words "Conquer by thus" Christ appeared to him in a dream and told him it would protect him. After that experience he practiced Christianity and gave rights to all of the Christians.

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