Friday, May 24, 2013

Feudalism vocab

               Today in class Mr.Schick announced that our very last west civ test would be next Wednesday. He gave us a study guide for all of the vocab words on the test.

 So far I have:
Feudalism - governmental system and the relationship and social between landowners and warriors
feudal compact- the official deal/contract between the vassal and the lord
fief- piece of land given to a knight
vassal- a knight that becomes a servantish worker person for a lord, but is still highly respected
knight – warrior at the time
homage - kneeling down and taking the lord's hand in his while speaking an oath of loyalty. Promising his loyalty
serf –Lowest on the social hierarchy. The quality of their life was not much better than a slave. They were the lowest of the peasants.
baron- lords of large territories who usually paid homage to the king. Barons army could outnumber that of a king. higher than a lord. 
peasantry- common people
estates- there were three different estates: the clergy-they were the ones who prayed; the nobility-fight and the common people- worked
manor- large plantations known the peasantry farmed on. They which were owned by a lord or lady, the nobility, or a member of the clergy
three-field-system- three sets of crops but only grew two at a time 
internal colonization
guild – groups of people who did different things
master- person in charge of you                                               
apprentice – someone learning the ropes
water mill
and yes, iron plow – a tool they used in the middle ages for plowing the land

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