Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How LO. 1 Relates to Jared Diamond's Theory

            The facts stated throughout ‘Learning Objective One’ coincide with Jared Diamond’s theory presented in Guns Germs and Steel. Diamond’s famous theory of geographic luck basically means that you have a good location and useful resources in order to become wealthy and prosper as a country. Many examples of the importance of geographic luck are scattered throughout the passage. One good illustration of this is that the people living in the Paleolithic age had to be hunters and gatherers to survive. They lived off of what was around them such as fruits, vegetables, animals and resources to make tools & weapons. If they didn't have these resources around them, not only would their country starve and thirst, but they wouldn't have anything good to trade or sell, therefore becoming poverty-stricken. Also, the passage mentioned that the men and women had equally pivotal roles. The men hunted, while women gathered crops and took care of the children.
            Something else tracing back to Diamond’s theory is the fact that the people back in that era were very nomadic. They were constantly moving around to try to find the best places that provide for themselves. It wasn't until the Agricultural Revolution that people began to settle down together to form small communities (most likely in geographically lucky areas).
The Agricultural Revolution happened many times in the course of our history. Besides the new found agricultural ideas, it gave us even more innovative ways of living. For example, it gave us more powerful and upgraded weaponry, many new food items, bricks for building, and clothing, just to name a few. This relates back to Diamond’s theory of the three elements that make up a powerful country: advanced technology, organized work force, and large population. The advanced technology back in that time meant having more improved weaponry. As for the work force, with all of these new discoveries and ways of living, many jobs were needed to provide them. An example would be a person who makes and tests these weapons. Having advancement in technology, and a good, stable work force, the country will look like a great place to live, attracting more people. Eventually the population will grow to be very large.
            With all of these facts, I would most definitely say that Jared Diamond was on track with his theory. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Abby! This is a terrific essay - very organized, well-researched, and clearly written. I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing this semester.

