Wednesday, March 13, 2013


           We continued watching the video today in class. We learned that Pericles had made a huge and terrible mistake by going to war with Sparta. If he hadn't, Athens would have prospered even more. Maybe even to such a point where humanity would be different today. Pericles ended up catching the plague and dying only six months later. After he died, there really wasn't any good and powerful ruler in Athens ever again. We also learned a lot more about Socrates. He questioned basically anything and everything, which got him into some trouble. When he was tried, he refused to apologize for being curious. In fact, he even told them that they should be rewarding him with free meals in return for all of the wonderful work he's tributed to the country. He may have been able to get out of trouble, but his stubbornness wouldn't allow it. At the end of the trial, it was a close race, but he was voted guilty and sentenced to death. He was going to suffer the usual Athenian punishment: drinking hemlock. Drinking hemlock is an excruciatingly painful way to die. Socrates however was treating it like it was nothing. “The unexamined life is not worth living” 
― Socrates

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